A retirement is something to celebrate!
And now he's gone ... retirement (lucky guy)!
Yesterday we celebrated the departure of Alain, after nearly 10 years of faithful service to the Val de l'Hort.
Maintenance, repair, gardening, painting, DIY ... He was actively involved in the maintenance of the center, struggling throughout the year so that the structure "through" seasons as a ship the storm, sandstone various improvements and despite the damage done by guests or more less overexcited!
He was THE person after which we regularly ran to resolve or fix this or that problem ...
So yesterday, employees, former employees, and members of the CA, we all had a very nice time around an appetizer - grilled to mark this special day!
So, we have already said it, but: "good road Alain, use it well!"
But you can be reassured, Serge is in place, it is after him that we run today!
Published : 2013-01-09
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